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June 17, 2022 DO I HAVE TREATMENT RESISTANT DEPRESSION?You don't like taking antidepressants. They take too long to work. The side effects of this antidepressant are...By Adam Gremp
June 15, 2022 WHAT THE MAYO CLINIC IS SAYING ABOUT KETAMINE AND DEPRESSION (VIDEO)Many patients with depression do not respond effectively to first line antidepressant treatments, and for those who do...By Adam Gremp
June 14, 2022 KETAMINE TREATMENT FOR COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME (CRPS)According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is “a chronic...By Adam Gremp
June 9, 2022 HOW TO GET INSURANCE TO PAY FOR YOUR KETAMINE INFUSIONSWhether you are just now considering Ketamine Infusions for Depression or you have already reaped the positive effects...By Adam Gremp
June 8, 2022 KETAMINE: A MORE COMFORTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO SPINAL STIMULATORSKetamine infusion therapy is becoming a more common treatment for chronic pain, as it is seen as a...By Adam Gremp
June 6, 2022 INFLAMMATION AND DEPRESSION: YOUR CHOICES IMPACT YOUR MENTAL HEALTHIf you have been battling depression, you might feel helpless because nothing you've tried lately is working. However,...By Adam Gremp
June 6, 2022 OHM: THE POWER OF YOGA IN TREATING DEPRESSIONWhat is it about practicing yoga that leaves you feeling relaxed, at peace, and just better? Or, less...By Adam Gremp
June 5, 2022 ECT: PROS AND CONS (& HOW KETAMINE CAN HELP)When it comes to treating severe depression, there are a few different options available. Some people may choose...By Adam Gremp
June 3, 2022 SECRETS OF KETAMINE’S ANTIDEPRESSANT AND MENTAL HEALTH EFFECT UNLOCKED BY SCIENTISTSIdentifying the way in which ketamine rapidly alleviates treatment resistant depression could pave way for new generation of...By Adam Gremp
June 1, 2022 FDA DATA SUPPORTS KETAMINE INFUSIONS FOR DEPRESSION THERAPYAn analysis of data from the FDA Adverse Events Reporting System (FAERS) supported previous findings that ketamine could...By Adam Gremp
June 1, 2022 YOGA THERAPY: THE APPLICATION OF YOGA TO TREAT DEPRESSION & MORELaughing Until We Couldn't...or Could...BreatheBy Adam Gremp
June 1, 2022 SCROLLING FOR HAPPINESS: DOES SOCIAL MEDIA USE CAUSE DEPRESSION?There you are, lying in bed, scrolling aimlessly through your phone and wishing you did not need to...By Adam Gremp
May 30, 2022 MEMORIAL DAY & PTSD: REMEMBERING THE FALLENAccording to the Department of Veteran Affairs, since World War II, 565,643 U.S. men and women have died...By Adam Gremp
May 25, 2022 IS KETAMINE TREATMENT COVERED BY HEALTH INSURANCE?With many patients hearing about the success that Ketamine is having on Treatment Resistant Depression and PTSD, more...By Adam Gremp
May 21, 2022 KETAMINE SAVES LIVES: TRUE STORIES FROM KETAMINE INFUSION PATIENTSIn a recent Healthline article titled, ‘How Ketamine Saved Her Life,’ a once-suicidal patient explains the impact of...By Adam Gremp
May 21, 2022 KETAMINE TAKES ON TREATMENT RESISTANT DEPRESSIONKetamine can help with Treatment Resistant Depression?By Adam Gremp
May 19, 2022 REACHING BETTER MENTAL HEALTH WITH KETAMINE AND THE “BIG THREE”Sleep, physical activity, and a healthy diet are the “big three”! These behaviors are inseparable health factors of...By Adam Gremp
May 12, 2022 ARE YOU DEPRESSED? CAN KETAMINE OFFER RELIEF?Sometimes It’s About Surviving the DayBy Adam Gremp
May 11, 2022 WHY I AM NOT TOO “MANLY” TO ASK FOR HELP WITH DEPRESSIONMillions of people are affected by mental health disorders every year. Depression is among the greatest of these...By Adam Gremp